Respicardia® is a leader in innovative technologies that address the unmet needs in respiratory and cardiovascular disease with safe and effective therapies. Founded in 2006 and headquartered near Minneapolis, Minnesota, Respicardia is dedicated to improving patient outcomes, quality of life and overall cardiovascular health via novel transvenous neurostimulation therapies.

The remedē® System is a safe and effective treatment for moderate to severe central sleep apnea in adult patients. It offers improved patient satisfaction and an overall better quality of life.1

About US 2006
  1. Costanzo M, et al. Transvenous neurostimulation for central sleep apnoea: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet. 2016; 388: 974–82.
Am I a candidate
for remedē®?

For Patients


The remedē® System is indicated for moderate to severe Central Sleep Apnea in adult patients.

Your doctor will need to evaluate your condition to determine if the remedē system is right for you. You will not be able to have an MRI or diathermy (special heat therapies) if you have the remedē system implanted. The remedē system may be used if you have another stimulation device such as a heart pacemaker or defibrillator; special testing will be needed to ensure the devices are not interacting.

As with any surgically implanted device, there are risks related to the surgical procedure itself which may include, but are not limited to, pain, swelling, and infection.

Once the therapy is turned on, some patients may experience discomfort from stimulation and/or from the presence of the device. The majority of these events are resolved either on their own or by adjusting the therapy settings. The remedē system may not work for everyone. There are additional risks associated with removing your system. If you and your doctor decide to remove the system, another surgery will be required.

Be sure to talk with your doctor so that you thoroughly understand all of the risks and benefits associated with the implantation of the remedē system. Rx only. For further information, please call +1-952-540-4470 or email info@respicardia.com.